Fast Tax Refund service

Tax refund service in the UK, Ireland and USA

Worked abroad? Get your taxes back!

Our Tax Refund service was established in coordination with banks and tax institutions in all countries, and we guarantee the highest level of quality and speedy refunds. We offer the Fast Refund Service, which takes 30-45 days for the check to be issued.

Besides that Global Choices has a free refundable amount calculation service. Each client will be informed about the refundable amount and conditions before starting the registration process.
Global Choices works together with the partner organizations in different regions and applicants who worked in the USA, UK and Ireland. Close cooperation with the partner organizations and applicants enables Global Choices to ensure quality service and to better understand client needs.

Global Choices. Contact information

Global Choices, 146 Omega Works, 4 Roach Road, London E3 2GY, United Kingdom
Tel: (+ 44) 208 533 2777 (UK)
Tel.: (+1) 646 929 4656 (USA)
Fax: (+ 44) 870 330 5955

Online near you: Follow Global Choices UK on twitter Global Choices Facebook page

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